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Everything posted by Megiddo

  1. The only shows that interested me a bit are: Hinako Note - I'm a sucker for cute girls doing cute things. Sakura Quest - Hoping for another solid work-related SoL/comedy like Shirobako, though this will have to work harder since I'm not nearly as interested in tourism. Eccentric Family 2 - First series was fun, interesting, and when it needed to be, compelling. Hope the sequel is just as good. Then I saw there were a ton of light novel adaptations and picked one by its artwork and synopsis alone and came up with Clockwork Planet, so I'll check that out too. The rest didn't interest me... maybe that time travel to solve random cases one. Anyway, if I hear good things then I'll check out more.
  2. Don't really watch standard AMVs anymore. The only ones I watch now (since I'm still subscribed) are sakuga collections like this one: I also every now and then look out for crossover OP/ED themes cause I find them fun and there are some seriously talented and passionate people who do them like this:
  3. Grand Order was all sorts of awful. Seeing Lancer as Caster was the only somewhat enjoyable thing I experienced in that hour long dreck.
  4. That's neat. I remember the only Mai Mai Miracle fansub around for years was some awful Thai sub group which had vague English phrases with random Thai words still included. Made it a rather an interesting watch.
  5. If that means that discussion of series that have played on Adult Swim Action/Toonami go in the Toonami folder then hell yes. I was wondering why the hell there was a fanclub for a Bleach character of all things here.
  6. Kanamemo - Yuuki and Yume. Mouretsu Pirates - Jenny and Lynn Pretty much the only lesbian couples I know of where it's not brought out in the show as some sort of big deal or made a big fuss. It's just a part of their characters. [yt]R-LaT7ox8cs[/yt] [yt] [/yt]
  7. Takt is german for stick or pole I believe.
  8. I always like looking for deals, so whenever I see a figure of a character I like on eBay that could be picked up at reasonable price, then I'll go for it. Usually that lands me the cheaper prize figures, but occasionally I've been able to pick up high priced figures second hand for much less than their list price. Unfortunately no Yona figure exists. A shame as her bright red hair with a pose of her drawing back her bow would be great.
  9. This hasn't been updated in like 5 years, but hell, it's something: http://megiddo.filmaf.com/owned However I did finally update my figure collection: http://myfigurecollection.net/collection/Megiddo To think, back when I actively posted on ASMB I had like 3 figures.
  10. Back when I was in high school (a long ass time ago) I would read fanfiction, mostly Eva fanfiction. I read pretty much everything this person wrote. My high school self found the quality to be pretty damn high for fanfiction, but your mileage may vary.
  11. If you want it because of Mairu then don't bother. She doesn't get anywhere near the screentime that she deserves. I also support the suggestion to import it from the UK instead of paying Aniplex USA's prices.
  12. Top 3 OP of Fall 2016 Shows that I'm watching 1. (I had to upload it to Youtube myself as private link, impossible to find otherwise) 2. 3. Stella no Mahou Top 3 ED of Fall 2016 Shows that I'm watching 1. Sangatsu no Lion 2. Stella no Mahou EDIT: Looks like videos are getting eaten. here's the text version: OP: 1. The Great Passage 2. Scorching Ping Pong Girls 3. Stella no Mahou ED: 1. 3-gatsu no Lion 2. Stella no Mahou 3. Flip Flappers
  13. Great Passage - 6 Ping Pong Girls - 8 JoJo Part IV 31-33 Girlish Number - 7 3-gatsu no Lion - 7 All Out!! - 7 Stella no Mahou - 8
  14. Hah, that's rather amusing. It was exactly a post about how Keijo is a parody on the ANN forum that finally got me to react. I can certainly understand that Saitama subverts the ordinary superhero routine, but to me that just means it's creative. So many times now I've seen shows which follow most of the cliches/tropes that critics don't like, yet somehow because this work is a parody it's somehow good. I'm just trying to wrap my head around it, cause, boy oh boy, did I really, really dislike Konosuba.
  15. I've noticed an increasing usage of the word parody to describe an anime or manga title, hell MAL now has an entire genre dedicated to parody, and I just can't understand why. What I understand of parody is that it's a spoof of an already existing work, event, person, etc. An anime example I'd use for a parody is the OVA .hack//GIFT which takes all the .hack//SIGN characters and puts them together with the .hack game characters and has them all act absolutely nuts and has the most crude animation possible. So, for instance from the MAL list, I'm not sure what existing work One Punch Man is supposed to be parodying for instance. Is it a parody of Superman? Batman? Obviously there are parodies within One Punch Man, such as Mumen Rider, but I can't understand why it would be considered a parody as a whole. I've seen Konosuba be referred to as a parody (just check ANN and there's a review on the front page where the hook states "As a parody of the swords-and-sorcery fantasy genre, Konosuba is worth checking out if you need a laugh") but all I saw when I watched Konosuba were cute girls surrounding a rather plain guy with some tongue-and-cheek fantasy comedy. I can't think of any work that I could say that Konosuba parodies. Here's a list of some top rated anime on MAL under the parody tag. I'll put yes if I agree it's a parody, no if I disagree, and a ? if I'm not familiar enough with the material. All of Gintama - ? One Punch Man - No Osomatsu-san - ? FLCL - No Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - No Seto no Hanayome - No Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei - No Carnival Phantasm - Yes All of Hetalia - Yes Irresponsible Captain Tylor - No Astro Fighter Sunred - ? Hayate no Gotoku - No Lucky Star - No Binbougami ga - No Genshiken - No Looking at this list of anime, it seems that the parody tag gets applied to anime that take a somewhat normal premise and twist it a bit (such as Tylor), shows that reference otaku culture (such as Lucky Star and Hayate), or otherwise shows that are zany and/or off-kilter (such as FLCL and Seto no Hanayome). Does that seem about right?
  16. Stella no Mahou - 7 I continue to be in awe that not only are subs 3 days delayed for this show, but the person who translates it doesn't even watch the anime as they're translating it, it's done by script only. Hence why the subs say "backgammon" even though it's just a random board game that certainly isn't backgammon or "cell phone game" is used when the character is playing on a Nintendo DS. Super cute episode though, probably my favorite of this series so far.
  17. Sangatsu no Lion - 6 Ping Pong Girls - 7 Izetta 6 - 7 All Out!! 5 - 6 Great Passage 4 - 5 Such a nice variety of a solid titles this season.
  18. Definitely will check out: Gabriel Dropout - Dogakobo comedy headed by Masahiko Ohta, my favorite comedy director. Kobayashi-san - KyoAni and from what I've heard of manga readers is this is rather yuri-tinged. ACCA - Seems like it'll be drooped in political/bureaucratic commentary in a 1984-esque police-state. That setting alone pulls me in. Little Witch Academy - I've enjoyed the two movies put out by Trigger, so I'll be watching this. Rewrite 2 - Hell, I put up with the anime-only route, might as well watch what the VN-readers have raved about. It'll be another terrible adaptation I'm sure. Urara Meirochou - Cute girls divining cute things. Lovely promo art.
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