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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. was that the guy he just killed?
  2. oh, brother! this guy stinks!!
  3. is it admirable of him? you approve of his ambition? oh, i guess not
  4. Now Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, and Naruto are on the lineup in one big block again. Toonami Presents Battle Stadium D.O.N.!* *not necessarily in that order
  5. Episode 699: A Noble Family! The True Identity of Doflamingo! Paradise Lost The ultimate battle against Donquixote Doflamingo has begun in earnest! But the Heavenly Demon of the Seven Warlords has come too far to let his house of cards fall so easily. With Luffy and Law as his captive audience, the Boss of the Donquixote Family reveals the secret of his past and his bloodline's fall from grace that set the stage for his own ascendance! ONLY TOONAMI
  7. asshole does what she tells him becuas ehe claims to love her, but when she rejects him again, he gets violent? false love
  8. don't give her any cinnabon...
  9. I'm seeing a lot of people commenting "anti-spiral" on youtube and instagram comment sections...what's that about? i'm old
  10. young people are so passionate
  11. she wants what she can't have
  12. delivering the giant tub....
  13. everyone you have a crush on likes you, too, eh? MUST BE FUCKING NICE
  14. as Mr. Huynh would say "IS VERY CREEPY!"
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