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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. I started dozing during Naruto but I think I am awake again haha
  2. Please can this cunt be gone now haha fuck, I guess not!
  3. Does this lady not know that the nature and the world are already art?
  4. I quickly forgot how much I love this show before it came to Toonami!
  5. LMAO the fan is blowing up her skirt!
  6. PANTSU! LMAO Chisato learned the amazingness of boxers!
  7. Damn news is just calling it a derailment instead of an attack haha
  8. These guys are psycho haha
  9. I guess, but I have just grown up with guns and it is engraved in me to only shoot to kill and never draw down on someone unless you are willing to kill them.
  10. Hahahah Tankina with the burn
  11. Yep, especially with the adrenaline flowing, you would be surprised how often someone may not go down instantly when hit.
  12. I wanna see Chisato pantsu!!!
  13. Takina needs to enjoy life more!
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