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Everything posted by matrixman124

  1. He definitely shit his pants in fear
  2. All he has left is Elon stoking his fans on Twitter and that's not a lot of people in the electorate
  3. https://bsky.app/profile/kbspangler.com/post/3l7rnorib6m24 Trash man gonna trash
  5. This is what Trump wants. The states to be able to say whether a woman can live or die. https://www.propublica.org/article/josseli-barnica-death-miscarriage-texas-abortion-ban
  6. Yeah we sold our house last year and have been renting while we build up our savings
  7. I wonder why millionaires and billionaires are flocking behind Trump 🤔
  8. "The blue checks and bots say I am very funny!"
  9. I think a lot of it is that they want to be treated the same as the cisgender heterosexual white guys who have all the power. If they have power, then they will be equals. What we're seeing is different reactions to the inherent imbalance between those with a lot of money and power and those who don't have much at all
  10. Which rally had America for Americans as a slogan?
  11. Oh I see so his campaign team didn't vet a controversial guest and he wasn't paying attention to what was happening at his own rally. Man Trump sure has incompetent people working for him. Its amazing how nothing is ever his fault so wow Also I didn't see no apology, MD
  12. Trump calling attention to his MSG rally where someone literally said America for Americans being like the American Bund MSG rally doesn't make it not true He knows he has Nazi supporters and he embraces them
  13. It was his rally! He should apologize because the fucking archbishop of Puerto Rico is asking him! It's not a good look!
  14. I would say Twitter becoming the new 4chan has evened that out. Must be so fun thinking the right isn't being boosted on other platforms
  15. Again Trump has not apologized. It doesn't matter that he didn't make the joke. Biden and Harris would have been held to the same standard to apologize and they have already. Trump thinks he's too good to apologize. And that is why he's going to lose the election. Over a stupid racist joke.
  16. Trump still hasnt apologized for the joke. I guess he agrees Puerto Rico and it's people are trash. So that makes everyone supporting Trump trash The GOP is so desperate to make this into the new basket of deplorables because they know losing the Puerto Rican vote will lose them Florida
  17. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I've never seen backlash against Trump like this.
  18. I'm calling it right now. The Puerto Rico joke has cost Trump the election
  19. The bishops of Puerto Rico are requesting an apology from Trump hot damn
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