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Everything posted by matrixman124

  1. Yes and thats fine because you still get more overall money
  2. If we got paid more, taxes would not hurt as much
  3. Basically libertarians in a nut shell lol
  4. Look if MD wants to live without taxes she can live off the grid in a cabin in the woods.
  5. I would say that your bosses are stealing more labor from you than the government. But that's just me.
  6. I guess we don't need taxes anymore
  7. If I heard MD start to extol the virtues of Trickle Down Theory I'm going to stroke out
  8. That also applies to your boss who gets a shitload way more money for their bonuses
  9. Definitely. She and RFK are both former democrats who endorsed Bernie in 2016. So it's like "oh look at these former Democrats! Even they hate Harris!" And it's like... Who are you even appealing to? Third party voters who are just going to vote libertarian or not vote at all because they hate the Democrats and Republicans equally?
  10. Now that she and RFK Jr are on Trump's transition team, they can have a roadkill feast fit for a King
  11. BuT tUlSi Is A lEfTiSt Get fucked She's always been a grifter
  12. What does this mean? Is Georgia suing him?
  13. RFK dropped out and endorsed Trump and the whole thing is just embarrassing for everyone involved lol
  14. Yes quite a few states have abortion on the ballot. Here's hoping it riles up enough people to make their voices heard.
  15. I'll believe it when I see it. Same with Texas
  16. If anything he siphoned Trump votes and he will probably not convert many people to the GOP. They'll probably go to the Libertarian Party.
  17. RFK is allegedly going to drop out and endorse Trump
  18. He doesn't know what to do now that Mommy Joanne is being sued
  19. It's only going to end it Zelensky or Putin are ousted. Because people on both sides are very aware of how much of a quagmire this is.
  20. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russias-kadyrov-equips-tesla-truck-with-machinegun-war-2024-08-17/ Yeah you know what buy some cybertrucks. I am sure their wonderful engineering will really help Russia. 🤭
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