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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. That's good, and it makes sense to continue after this.
  2. I'm guessing we're getting the other half of the series following this episode, since no new advertisements for a show on Toonami are being broadcast?
  3. I guess this fight is going to be a two-parter then.
  4. Will Noelle actually do something good here?
  5. Attacking the innocent? Again? This guy's an asshole.
  6. Flashback time? ....I guess.
  7. "I don't know what kind of magic he has..." He doesn't have any. That's the fucking funniest part!
  8. Anyone else think it's funny how Asta seems to trump magic most of the time? MC plot armor at its finest.
  9. The old man wasn't saved in time.
  10. It's not so much that the fog is so thick, but because his (anti-magic) sword is that he's able to cut through it.
  12. So it sounds like this old man is kind of like a father figure to him.
  13. Padding so animators have at least four minutes less to work on.
  14. Asta should use his "not-magic" to slay the boar, like he was easily able to cut through the cocky magic user four or five episodes ago. He's the MC. He can do it.
  15. What a waste of good (spicy) pork.
  16. "Either go or die." Sounds like a reasonable decision to just go and get it done with, then.
  17. A fucking tree just fell near my apartment complex. Holy shit...
  18. Btw, the website that needs to update its episode count? It's still active. They just haven't updated it.
  19. For a second, I thought Sean Schemmel was dubbing Dende's voice during that cut.
  20. LMFAO, Mr. Popo just threw his ass off the Lookout!
  21. I guess....that explains it?
  22. I don't even remember him dying in the uncut series, so I am not sure about that myself.
  23. Last year at least had three films in February that I went to see in theaters. This year? Only one. Three is a pretty big number for me since I'm just a filthy casual.
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