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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Gene, reacting with the tact of a raging bull in a china shop.
  2. Keeping promises can be hard, if you make hefty ones...
  3. Lol, her voice touched him so much, the fuck was about to cry.
  4. She's singing the ending theme song! I wonder if this is an exact translation?
  5. Her being alone isn't a good thing with the MacDougal brothers prowling nearby...
  6. Robot brother, robot hound/cat things. I think it'll get interesting in just a moment.
  7. This seems like quite a slowly paced episode so far. Just as I remember it.
  8. Enter the MacDougal brothers...
  9. Lol, they're just wandering around and they don't seem to know what they're looking for.
  10. I remember the title for this episode disappointing 9 year old me, because I expected an actual dragon to appear or something.
  11. Lol, Stonehenge is canon in Outlaw Star.
  12. So they're getting closer to the queen. I'm interested to see how this develops from this point. Since Kite just wiped out a battalion of officers with one single attack...
  13. These guys are SOOO SCREWED.
  14. Killua's just playing with this guy at this point.
  15. Unfortunately, Kite has a good reason to feel anxious.
  16. Killua is going to light this guy up.
  17. Whelp. I think he did kill him.
  18. This armadillo is probably going to die a quick death if he doesn't shut up. I wouldn't care if Gon DID kill him.
  19. DAMN, this island had a lot of animals on it. Even armadillo!
  20. This show always seems to go by the fastest. Probably because it's the one I most look forward to every weekend now.
  21. One on one it is. And Gon gets the lucky first draw.
  22. Annnd they've been spotted. Time to run, boys!
  23. Oh shit. The Hunters are now the Hunted.
  24. It was his first encounter with a Chimera Ant, and he would have been finished if Colt hadn't interfered.
  25. The Shrike Chimera Ant is mad with power.
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