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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. To be fair, though, this guy doesn't necessarily seem evil. Luck tried to land the first strike, after all.
  2. So the guy's completely fucked because he is still trying to gain the approval of his dead mother.
  3. And we're really getting the same sequence before we went to commercial break?
  4. HOLY SHIT, that was an anti-smoking commercial?!
  5. "Should we help our teammate?" Uuuhhhh....if you're not a piece of shit, you will.
  6. If you have a magic anime or RPG, you need a useless healer. We all know this.
  7. Curious to see how these two work together. Assuming we do eventually see it.
  8. Confirmed. Luck's mother is a piece of shit.
  9. LMFAO, he was a psycho even as a kid. But with a parent like that, I don't blame him for being fucked up. What a shitty parent (?).
  10. And blonde kid was just getting started with the smoke guy, whose name I don't remember. This anime is REALLY bad with reminding me what characters' names are. Not quite Tokyo Ghoul levels, but still.
  11. Oh yeah. Higher class guys were sucker punched by an unknown magic user.
  12. Honestly, Kid Buu felt like the TRUE final stage for Dragon Ball in general. Like nothing bigger could have come along after he arrived.
  13. Justin Cook's voice must have taken a toll doing this for so long.
  14. Yeah guys. Did you forget? The pink monster is still alive. And screaming.
  15. Lmfao, that was very clever thinking from Goku. Probably the last we ever see from him.
  16. This is honestly a neat look at Buu's anatomy.
  17. He's losing all of his steam.
  18. This we'll get more episodes tonight that have agonizing screams? I think that'll be tonight's Toonami theme.
  19. I laughed when Buu admitted that, because it's so true.
  20. Lol, the tables have turned.
  21. Getting his ass kicked by someone's lower body. That's gotta' be rough.
  22. Because blasting him into oblivion has worked on him so many times before...
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