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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Hiding in a fucking bush. These bombers lack common sense.
  2. I guess the reward money is still at play in this shit.
  3. Who is this old man? And who is this woman who's so special to him?
  4. Sounds like this could be the episode where they finally face the bombers.
  5. OH SHIT! Her stand power is probably the most potent one yet.
  6. Also, she fucking knows he left his ass in the dust.
  7. Lmfao, this bitch has a serious grudge against him. > Also, "dick" was used on Toonami. Was that a first?
  8. I have a feeling that this witch won't be defeated during this episode.
  9. Don't trust the lady. She's the only one not affected by the fucking fog.
  10. Tom and Jerry reference in an anime. That's a first.
  11. No blood? Then the killer may be a vampire. Probably not, though.
  12. Run away from the flying symbol of death, guys.
  13. Why doesn't he just call the police himself? >
  14. So many people are dead and/or dying in this place. These guys need to know, there's a fucking stand-user at work. Why are they so shocked?
  15. They're backmasking the music! That means super spooky things are happening...
  16. Lmfao. He doesn't seem to be responding too well to your customs.
  17. So I guess this will likely be the last of the little girl, unless she appears in the finale or something.
  18. I just wonder how things will end, now that this appears to be the last servant of Dio they'll be facing off against.
  19. This episode is about as weird as I remember it being 14 years ago.
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