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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by DangerMouse

  1. Master of the half-tuck
  2. Looks like we've got a Karate Kid
  3. Let's do this Gon
  4. Looks like he might be gone Glad you made it over here again lol!
  5. "It looks like it's starting to rain"
  6. MIKA IS F-ING PISSSSSSED! Two for one!
  7. Shows more emotion that static faces is my guess.
  8. You seem to be insulting your name just fine Issue!
  9. This music is really underselling this battle Some nice combat but rather ho-hum music.
  10. ROFL, Toonami knew that line was gold, used it the very first chance they got in a bump lol "It was okay to shoot, right?"
  11. Looks like they're way more ready for ground combat
  12. ROFL! "It was okay to shoot, right?" 8) Heh, she tries to pose like Satsuki, but isn't as cool at it heh.
  13. Death flags all over the place for these two.
  14. Kudelia got a ship eh...ah that guy. "What sort of man do you have wrapped around your finger?" lol
  15. 25 eps in season one, still a few more to go.
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