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to the people not constantly making threads

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Guest The Hound

join us in anarchy and love :fap:

Guest The Hound

leave me out of this

Guest The Hound

I'm liking you more and more DJ.



stop insulting people all the time and being a dumbed down version of zeni and maybe people will like you more



i mean tho



i do see instances of people just instantly responding to your threads with hostility without provocation



but the question is have you earned that provocation through the years?

that is the ultimate question you have to face head on

Guest The Hound

a lot of us have to ask that question



stop insulting people all the time and being a dumbed down version of zeni and maybe people will like you more



i mean tho



i do see instances of people just instantly responding to your threads with hostility without provocation



but the question is have you earned that provocation through the years?

that is the ultimate question you have to face head on


I wasn't looking for advice... but thanks?


I mind my own business and people come to me. I have a magnetic personality. The fact that I am almost always right and clearly better than them offends them, even when I don't say it.

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