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Aho Girl 85

Dr. Stone 23

Watamote 119

One Piece 875

Black Clover 121

Golden Kamuy 108

We Never Learn 26

My Hero Academia 149

Ancient Magus' Bride 39

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma 227

Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! 609 - 610

Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen 75


Dragon Ball v2 & 3, started on v. 4.


Lunch is a cutie, and Goku was lucky she didn't wake in the night when she sneezed. I think everyone missed a big clue to Goku's toughness when the same bullets that put shallow holes in Krillin and Master Roshi only gave Goku scrapes.


Lulz, Goku was wrong about his age, since he didn't really know how to count when he told Bulma he was 14. This makes the Toonami episodes of Super somewhat more shocking, since he's a grandfather at 4 years younger than Bulma, and she only has a gradeschool-aged son. 


Dr. Stone 24

Kingdom 528

One Piece 876

Black Clover 122

Golden Kamuy 110

My Hero Academia 150

Amano Megumi is Full of Gaps! 85

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma 228


Dragon Ball v. 4 - 6.


I had forgotten that Piccolo later steals Master Roshi's solution to an oozaru problem. Also, Mechanical Man no. 8 was still as kind and gentle as, but more polite than, I remember him from the first Toonami's run of DB.


Magi 363

New Game! 59

Seven Deadly Sins 233

Golden Kamuy 115 - 116

Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! 623 - 625

Amano Megumi is Full of Gaps! 87 - 88

Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen 77


Dragon Ball v. 7 & 8.

It's pretty much assured that Goku's raid on the Red Ribbon Army HQ, wherein the told Upa that he was going to beat up a bunch of bad guys, actually had him kill a lot  of them via their personal aircrafts exploding after he hit them or doing too much internal damage with his strikes on their bodies. In particular, one guy's helmet had a hole made in it by Goku's kick. That means the force of the strike was more than the helmet could take, meaning at least some of that force was focused on that small area on his head, possibly with that piece of the helmet being driven into his head.


Goku killed plenty in Dragon Ball. It's Z where that becomes a rarity until the Buu arc. I've always felt the Buu arc in general was tonally closer to Dragon Ball than Z. Certainly closer to Dragon Ball than the rest of Z is anyway. Toriyama going back to his roots so to speak.


Dr. Stone 26

Black Clover 124

Golden Kamuy 117

We Never Learn 29

Kimetsu no Yaiba 76

My Hero Academia 152

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma 230

Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! 628 - 630


Fairy Tail 543-545 (End)


So it ends, I enjoyed reading this manga especially from the beginning not so much towards the end . It was entertaining had good characters and arcs. However fairy tail had this thing of introducing some cool looking villains  that showed promise only to be outdone by Nakama power over and over again, i dint mind it in the first 300 or so chapters but after that it was just kind of frustrating seeing the outcome. Natsu Erza etc would be hurt beyond comparison and they would find the power of friendship to beat anyone. Hiro would also kill someone or put them in a situation where you thought they where dead and nope they are alive or they come back to life, so it wasnt really surprising when the chapters ended on such cliffhangers  because you knew they would be alive, it couldn't have hurt to kill a few of the Fairy Tail team. I liked the different guilds that where introduced they all had one or two characters that where really cool maybe Hiro can show us arcs just on Sabertooth etc. I liked the fan service although after a while it was almost going full ecchi. Overall i rate it a 7/10


Dr. Stone 27

One Piece 878

Black Clover 125

We Never Learn 30

New Game! 60 - 61

Kimetsu no Yaiba 77

Seven Deadly Sins 234

My Hero Academia 153

Yuna of Yuragi Manor 78

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma 231

Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! 633 - 636


Okusan 54

Watamote 121

Magi 365 - 366

Flying Witch 36

Dr. Stone 28 - 29

Golden Kamuy 118

Kingdom 531 - 532

New Game! 62 - 64

One Piece 879 - 880

Witch Craft Works 64

Black Clover 126 - 127

My Hero Academia 154

We Never Learn 31 - 32

Prison School 264 - 265

Ancient Magus' Bride 40

Kimetsu no Yaiba 78 - 79

Seven Deadly Sins 235 - 236

Yuna of Yuragi Manor 79 - 80

Amano Megumi is Full of Gaps! 90

Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! 637 - 651

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma 232 - 233

Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen 79 - 80

  • 3 weeks later...

Dragon Ball v. 9 - 21


I've been reading, but I just haven't swung by here to note the volumes. Things of note: 1. Grandpa Gohan!!!!, 2. the first Piccolo was huge, 3. at last Goku got to be Champion, 4. no Gregory :-(, 5. Vegeta explained a lot more about how Saiyans transform due to the full moon, 6. Kiwi rather than Pui, hm, and 7. I have trouble accepting that Kami's ship, which was capable of rapid interstellar transport, could be damaged by a simple handheld blaster.

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