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Anyone on here have experience with SuperBox?


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13 hours ago, Seight said:

This is what Google's giving me:

If the device provides access to copyrighted material without proper licensing or authorization, that's a violation of copyright laws. So the device itself is not illegal, but using it to stream unauthorized content is.

I did do some deeper digging yesterday.  It seems the scam is that there are cheaper boxes out there that will do the same thing.  I thought I read in one that SuperBox is preprogrammed with BlueTV, but other sites stated that the company doesn't name what they use to access content.  It's odd that Amazon & Walmart are allowing the thing to be sold on their platforms.  People who have the box seem to run 50/50 on whether it is worth it or not.  There were a disheartening number of DitBs (Dead in the Box) where the purchaser couldn't get any response from the manufacturer/seller when they bought it direct from them.  I also found out a little about Real Debrid & Streamio, quite the wild west out there.

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