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Posted (edited)

Holy fuck on the gore honestly.. From what I've seen of the comic story I had to cut my self off on after some research the believability goes south after omniman flees earth though.. Not saying any superhero shit meshes with IRL physics and science, but...


apparently omniman has another son with some mantis people, and he ends up being a character... idefk. Is he gonna look half human half space mantis?? The mantis people he jizzed in accelerate in age a lot faster and thats supposed to be a thing with "Young Omniman" or whatever the mantis hybrid calls itself after it gets omnimans mock superman powers.... (wait a minute oh shit.. (The aliens in this season might be clones from the original omniman mantis hybrid that time traveled I barley thought of that!) 🙃

Honestly if there's a fan of image comics here fill me in. I finally had to check out invincible after some of the viral Omniman memes. The new animated series reminds me of the live action "The Boys" series that honestly was a lot of fun to watch, but in comparison it gets way more goofy with the super hero science iand physics I think. I'm not a scientist and super heroes aren't ever really a testiment to science I know, but still what the fuck.. Is there imagery of Omniman fucking a giant mantis?  This is just one of many questions I have at this point after watching the prime video series.. 

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
Posted (edited)

The show itself had a raging humanoid lion, one eyed alien, and more... and you're worried about other aliens being believable? No, you don't see Omniman fucking a mantis. The new kid looks human but has different colored skin.

Invincible is a badass comic, give it a read!

Edited by 770312

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