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Have you ever misheard the lyrics of a song and...

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and almost did something you regretted? I nearly broke my Nintendo Switch pro controller when I was playing Tetris 99 the other day. There was an event for a theme from the fitness game Ring Fit Adventure and one of the songs in the game... Well I think the lyrics are "Hands out, feet set" or something along those lines, but I was drinking and it sounded like "Incel! She said!" and anybody who is familiar with the work I'm doing in my local community knows that I'm an advocate for everyone's rights and it just infuriated me to think they could put those lyrics into a video game and how disgusted that community would feel if they heard those lyrics. I was able to stop myself short of smashing my controller and once I sobered up, I realized that I was wrong and need to get my hearing checked. 💪👊 👨‍👩‍👧


I just found out yesterday in that Paramore song Aint it Fun, she says the world dont orbit around you


I thought it was the world dont open up to you 

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