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Attack On Titan returns to the Toonami Marathon Stream! (2/27-3/3/17)

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If you wanna catch up on Season 1, [as] and Toonami got your back this week!


Episodes 1-5 now through Ash Wednesday at 6:30; 6-10 after that. Head to www.adultswim.com/videos/streams/toonami to catch Episode 1!


Hoping this is just part of a multi - week effort to catch people up to prepare us for Season 2!




Eh... this could just be another instance of them flaunting them while they have it. And wouldn't a dedicated stream like the one for Samurai Jack work better for catching people up to the new season? After all, they'll probably fit that last SAO II marathon in before those rights expire


Eh... this could just be another instance of them flaunting them while they have it. And wouldn't a dedicated stream like the one for Samurai Jack work better for catching people up to the new season? After all, they'll probably fit that last SAO II marathon in before those rights expire


Perhaps that's the case, but I find the timing of the stream too close to the new season premiere to call a coincidence.


(puts on tin foil hat)


The stream has advanced to Episodes 6-10, just as I predicted. Hopefully next time AOT comes up in the rotation we'll see 11-20 instead, then the next time, the week before S2 premieres, 16-25 I guess?


Of course, they also might just move on to 16-25 because 11-15 are BORING as hell!

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