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Posted (edited)

Umm I'm not sure if this should be in rants due to my op being political in nature or not just making it here because shit posts and fuckery I welcome I guess. So I just finished watching the republican presidential debate, and now I'm on the democratic side.. >_> I need a break and a bit of a distraction just for focus the democratic opening statements were.. nothing short of what I'd expect I guess, but holy fuck it's Trump bash central all around. I get it. It's just my head is spinning now.. 

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
due to a typo
Posted (edited)

K so I just sat through two hours of the democratic debate.. I'll finish the rest some other time. Beto did some shining in more than just gun control, but it seems overhyped.. Biden did some things, and started sweating.. Yang is charismatic maybe too charismatic. Bernie had his stink face on the whole time and told some fools to get off his lawn. (Nice speaking points honestly, but he stirred so many other candidates everytime he spoke that added anecdotes I'm smh)

That's my summary so far. 

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
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