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Memory Blocked about my hospitalization in 2004

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So LSS i went full blown manic and had a psychotic episode and was hospitalized in the psych ward for 3 weeks.

Some psych wards arent that bad and i usually go on memory lane trips back there to soothe myself

Well thats fucked up now because when i tried to go back there i realized i had no recollection of ever once using the bathroom, taking a bath, showering, doing my hair or even changing clothes. Either i was so out of it i just didnt do any of that and they didnt even force me or i am suffering from some serious memory loss issues

When i realized this i started to get really upset and wanted to call the psych ward and ask them but then i knew thatd be crazy and possibly lead to bad things so i didnt

 Its still got me all fucked up tho...i have zero recollection of the bathrooms or showers at the psych ward. Wtf?

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