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Left this post on their forum.  Still considering other ways I might get ahold of them that might actually get a response -

I still have not gotten my boxed Journeyman Edition, despite Red Thread's claim in this Kickstarter update that they got them out to almost all of their $110 tier backers.  In fact, I didn't donate to that tier, but the $125 tier, and it's not mentioned anywhere in the update, and when I went to look at the Kickstarter page recently, it was conspicuously absent.  I wasn't then nor now made of money, so I wouldn't have donated $125 over $110 if there weren't some considerable greater reward for doing so.

I sent them this email at the contact information they listed, and have heard nothing back (left off my address in this post) -



Subject: Dreamfall Chapters Boxed Journeyman Edition Not Received

Just got the email update where you said you shipped the boxes out to almost everyone, but I haven't gotten mine.  

$110 tier was mentioned, but not the $125 tier which I donated for.  I donated that much because it must have been a substantial reward that you would get over the $110 tier, but the $125 tier doesn't even appear on the Kickstarter page now.

In any case, I should at least be getting the Boxed Journeyman Edition.  My address was already confirmed as well.


I have been very patient and understanding with the setbacks and other unforeseen mishaps that have gone on behind the scenes, but it's getting to the point where I'm wondering if I'm going to be getting my physical game copy.  Unless they think I donated to the $200 tier, since I got the update about the Wonkers USB key.  But, being the honest person I am, I didn't feel right just sitting back and getting something I wasn't entitled to nor paid for, especially when it might mean someone else didn't get the stuff they paid for.  Of course, if I sat back and said nothing, I could also still just never get anything.  I have no proof of this theory, just a guess, since I got that email about the Wonkers thing.

I also see that they seem to have removed the forum link from their website, and in previous threads I read they said that Ragnar ignores anyone who asks about Dreamfall Chapters rewards on Twitter.  It does not inspire confidence, to say the least.

At least the game is good?  Or so I hear?  I still haven't been able to play it.  My computer turned out to be too under-powered to handle it.  It can't even get through the opening cutscene without constant unwatchable buffering.  I can't imagine what the actual game would be like.  And in any case, this game series is story driven.  I'm not going to play a TLJ/Dreamfall game without cinematics.  I, of course, have not had the money to buy a new computer, and every time I try to buy a PS4, either some financial setback happens, or we have to pay for something essential, or some other BS happens.  It's really quite frustrating.  

I fell in love with this series and the genre of Adventure games late in the game, when I happened upon a copy of Dreamfall for Xbox on the shelves at Game Crazy.  After that I got the set with TLJ and Dreamfall for PC.  Love both of those games.  Also got a game called Syberia II for Xbox which was quite fun.  I had dreamed of years for a sequel to Dreamfall, that cliffhanger had me really wanting to see what would happen next, how things would turn out.  So it saddens me that I'm not only unable to play Dreamfall Chapters after all this time, but the developers who I thought cared about their fans and about this game series, don't seem too keen on honoring their word and giving us what was promised.  I didn't donate to this Kickstarter lightly.  As I said, I'm fairly poor.  Games are an expensive hobby and I have to pick what I want to play and what systems very carefully and deliberately, much of which I buy used these days.  My last console purchase was a Wii U.  I do sincerely hope this is just some sort of miscommunication or misunderstanding and that that email is bad or something, and not that Red Thread is simply blowing off fans and hoping no one notices or cares because of the relatively small fanbase for TLJ/Dreamfall and Adventure games overall.  Either way, I hope there is a good explanation for this.  Thanks for your time and I hope we can get to the bottom of this and get me and possibly others their game boxes and possible other physical rewards.

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