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so my crazy ass next door neighbor is running for state rep


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she accosted me in my driveway about it the other day.

this woman is fucking nuts.

example: she basically lets her dog run around free at night. (apparently she's not aware that this is a violation of animal control ordinance)

we live right in between the interstate and a state hwy. i'm surprised the dog isn't dead as it loves to chase cars. 

i can't count how many times it's run directly in front of my car as i pull into my driveway at night.

anyway, a few weeks ago i was standing in my front yard and she's like, well time to take the dog for a walk.

she then proceeds to let the dog out, get in her car and take off down the road with the dog chasing the fucking car...

i don't trust you to own a dog properly lady, so yeah, i'm totally gonna vote for you. 

fucking psycho... :|

Edited by nameraka
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