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[YouTube link] Why the FLCL Dub is So Important

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18 minutes of someone talking about the localization process, and character traits.  At no point did they address the subject labeled on the video or come to a conclusion. 

As to why the show has a following at all. FLCL aired at a time when Youtube was slow and at 240p, and torrents would take 16+hrs to download a single episode. Adult Swim was the main outlet for the majority of anime viewers in america at the time. A lot of people got to experience the same show at the same time; building a common ground that made it easier to connect with other anime fans. This is further enforced by the series being only 6 episodes, and Adult Swim would often marathon it. In addition Adult Swim used to air anime every weeknight and FLCL was a nightly fixture for years. So really it was more a product of it's time, and we will most likely never replicate the same fan enthusiasm as was with anime at that time. 


also, that clip showing the "MUCHUUUUUUUUUU" scene was bizzare becase it literally sounded like they played the same clip twice, I knew kari's voice was super similar to Haruko's Japanese voice but I didn't know it was LITERALLY IDENTICAL

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