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Bros, my Super Nintendo Classic is probably coming in the mail today!!

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That thing will take like 4 years to beat!!!

Oh yeah and I'm about celebrate my birthday by playing Breath of the Wild all day, gonna try to make every recipe in the game and Do everything there is to do while I keep lurking around on the internet. I could reactivate my Facebook and strut that FB messaging game with girls I like from my past and whatnot, but it's been over two years so I feel like I have to stay committed to keeping it deactivated. If I do reactivate it, we can all be friends on there. 🐂🐂🐂

7 minutes ago, cyberbully said:

You're just now getting it?


Well I bought a Switch two months ago, and without wheels to get me to early opening events for the SNES, I had to rely on buying it from the internet, and Gamestop had it for $80 online, so I figured I had finally found a credible online vendor. It's pretty cool and all, but the Super Nintendo graphics definitely didn't age as well as my memory was telling me they would, and I never even owned one as a kid.

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