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3 minutes ago, Sandstone said:

He raped you?

He needs to be reported to FB, and also to the police.

No, his friend...not him.

I doubt my complaint would hold water. I was banging him regularly at the time and one nite i didnt want to bang...just wanted to hang out...but we were alone. I was young and stupid..i should have known never to be alone with him and not expect him to not bang me.

It was just that i was on the last days of my cycle and he never wore condoms and i didnt want him to get me pregnant. Thank god he didnt!


I'm confused, are you saying his friend raped you?

And then he also raped this other girl? The way you worded it in the OP and title was just a bit confusing sorry.

I'm sorry that happened to you, you really should report him and/or encourage the other girl to report him if she was raped.

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