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Not bothering with 'Last Jedy' unless it's on, like, TNT and I'm bored at home

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Have already heard most of the 'spoilers'. 

Don't care.

Saw TFA in a theater three weeks after the initial release, in a rural town, on a weeknight, and it was packed. And the movie blew ass.




Satan Mouse you will not obtain my dollarey-doos with this cheap malarkey.

Though, I will admit you're making it quite hard to keep my investments free from your influence.

I mean, I can't even watch Family Guy or The Simpsons (and by extension Rick and Morty >:() from here on out; without hearing your ? ly, disembodied cackling echoing in the background. 

You will not win, demon! Even if you eventually end up infesting everything with your rat-stink. The more you expand the more we will resist! Pull as hard as you wish! Your maggot-woven wool will not cover my eyes! I will not be blinded by your lies!

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