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That's a phrase that usually ends in a positive context. Like "Call me old fashioned, but I don't think tomato soup should have artificial preservatives in it." Though, lately I've seen more negative connotation, "Call me old fashioned, but women shouldn't vote".


That's just a fancy way to cook a steak, burning a steak on the other hand is just wrong


you can sear the outside all you want but, it is straight up blasphemy when people order steak well done


That's just a fancy way to cook a steak, burning a steak on the other hand is just wrong


you can sear the outside all you want but, it is straight up blasphemy when people order steak well done


i'm gonna go ahead and say that taste is subjective and there's no wrong way to enjoy your steak. that being said, i don't understand why anyone would order an expensive, premium cut and get it well done. i mean, if you're just going to turn it into shoe leather, the initial quality of the meat is kind of irrelevant.


I tipped a waitress $50 once on a $21-23 because my loud mouthy friend orders his steak medium well, when she was repeating back the order she said "2 medium rares, 3 mediums, and this asshole wants me to walk to the gas station and buy him a bag of beef jerky."


I was almost willing to marry her on the spot, I even told that unfortunately she was already married....

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