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Had to replace a banquet center toilet tanks just the tank itself to this

https://www.sloan.com/commercial-bathroom-products/flushometers/sloan/sloan-115-ess?product_line=446&activation=sensor&sensor_line=optima but in a 12 inch model


Fine no problem

They added the fucking blue dye cleaner into the tank itself


This shit stains everything it touches and it's the pluck version to boot so what should of been a 3 day project is going to be a 2 week project now that we have to clean up the bathroom itself.


It looks like I murder a Smurf after the 3 tank

Oh and get this the men's has 6 total 4 entrance 2 on each side of the hallway and the 2nd floor as well. The contractor is stating they won't touch the women's until the dye is removed from are the toilets.


Next week I'm going to really hate plumbing :|


...one time I was cleaning the high school toilets, they had a track event and didn't tell me...it was the end of my shift and they asked me how it was....when we went to check on it ....it...it just wasn't humanly possible...the smell....the MESS....


...one time I was cleaning the high school toilets, they had a track event and didn't tell me...it was the end of my shift and they asked me how it was....when we went to check on it ....it...it just wasn't humanly possible...the smell....the MESS....


The smell wasn't an issue but the stupid dye was

Everything in there was white tiles floor walls


This is hell in itself


i'd take the sterile white ...piss and shit covered floors and walls...toilets clogged with entire rolls of toilet paper...piss and shit smeared on the mirrors and walls....the floor was so wet I almost took a faceplant right into it...


i'd take the sterile white ...piss and shit covered floors and walls...toilets clogged with entire rolls of toilet paper...piss and shit smeared on the mirrors and walls....the floor was so wet I almost took a faceplant right into it...


Pool chorine and a pressure washer with hot water and a hazmat suit

That's how you tackle that job


are you crazy? do you think a high school can afford that for a janitor?!


I did that at the one I went at

Of course I just used chorine inside the pressure washer sterilize the entire bathroom within one go


Went thru a case of pool chorine but the woman's restroom was the cleanest it looked


we didn't have such things where I worked...it was all done by hand and with a bucket full of chemical water


guess I got lucky lol

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