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I'm a snitch at work now, you guys.


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Co worker hit a client right in front of me and I did the right thing and reported her ass. So now I'm a snitch. Yay.


Only problem is it happened in the bathroom where there aren't cameras so it will be my and the client's words against hers and the client has a history of making false allegations (although this shit makes me wonder how many times has staff done something like this where they know the cameras won't see and either had no witnesses or a witness that kept their mouth shut).

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In my new job this happens alot between co-workers although management doesn't care if it's on camera or not just as on there isn't any major bleeding it's allowed


Well the clients at my job have developmental disabilities so any kind of physical or verbal abuse is a big no-no. Like a "you'll get fired and never work in this field again" level of no-no.

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