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So, I just finally got around to watching Seven Deadly Sins. *anime spoilers*

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People on the forums had been recommending it for a while, but I think the final push that got me to watch it was when one of my friends told me had recently watched the first couple episodes and said it was awesome.


I had intended to watch just the first episode or two to see what it was like, and ended up watching the first 10-11 episodes. :D I then watched the rest of the main series in another sitting. :D


He was right, as was most everyone else, this show is awesome!  This has to be one of the best shonens, no, one of the best anime series, period, I've ever watched.  There's so much great content, story-telling, and plot advancement in just 24 episodes, yet it doesn't feel rushed.


I've always been big on fantasy and the world created here and its lore are really cool.  I love the whole set-up.  I like how the main characters, the Sins, at least, start out strong and we learn more about their powers abilities, and back stories as the show progresses.  It's a nice change of pace from having the heroes start out at level 1 and grinding up through the story, as it were, and we see that these were people that had lives before the series started.  We don't learn everything about them right away just because the show happened to peer into this world at this time.


Melodias is definitely not what you would you think he would be from his first appearance.  You figure he's just a humble, goofy tavern owner, but he's actually a skilled, powerful fighter and THE CAPTAIN OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS! :D I like that he's intelligent, which is a refreshing change from most shonen main characters.  He manages to get away with his perviness in a similar way Miroku does, through comedy and charm.  I love that the Sins' wanted posters look way more badass than they actually do, especially Melodias.  He's gotta' get out of that Hobbit outfit, though.  Couldn't he come up with something cooler?  Then again, that might blow his cover, and I suppose not every main character needs to look badass.  And why didn't anyone tell me the main character is played by Bryce Papenbrook?  I would've watched the show a long time ago if I knew that! :D:P


Elizabeth is adorable and instantly likable.  She starts out at "level 1" but I think her growth is done well, and even with her self-doubt, she manages to get stronger due to the encouragement of others, reminding her of how strong she actually is, and her can-do attitude.  The reveal of her holy powers is a big surprise but decently built up and hinted at throughout the story.  That was one of many great emotional moments in the series, as well.


Diane could've been very annoying if she kept acting just like she did in her introduction.  Luckily this seems to be toned down as she goes along, and it also probably helps that she seems to have some self-awareness, realizing that there's likely little chance of her having an actual relationship with Melodias.  I imagine part of her early behavior had to do her with her being very excited when she first reunited with Melodias.  She's a lot bigger than I thought from looking at previous artwork, too!  Her gauntlet getting broken early one by Gilthunder was funny to me; didn't expect that to be her permanent look for the rest of the show! :D


It's rather... unfortunate that the author chose to portray the fairies as children, at least in the case of Elaine.  This makes her relationship with Ban uncomfortable at times, though if you get past her appearance it's very sweet.  I think it doesn't come off as bad with King and Diane because King is so much of a coward that he can never tell Diane how he feels, so nothing ever comes of it, and it almost comes off as a puppy love crush of sorts. 


The other thing I don't understand, is the other fairies not only don't look like children, but have wings.  A big deal is made of poachers ripping off fairy wings, which is what drove Helbram to his killing spree, yet King and Elaine don't have any. 


Find it amusing that Ban is insistent on wearing that fruity, too-small outfit, especially after he replaces it with an identical one stolen off someone else later on. 


Anyway, if Ban is really serious about killing Melodias to bring back Elaine, then I think I'm pretty much soured on that character.  Especially since all it took was for him to hear it from a Goddess.  We're not even sure if she's a Goddess, but if she was, that particular one was a shit disturber and a troll, a bitch, to put it mildly.


I don't even know what to make of Gowther.  Another case of not being what you expect at all.  When he wasn't in the armor I thought maybe this was a split/dual character that had two bodies, with some characteristics being in each.  This obviously wasn't the case, so it was even more surprising when we learned the whole of Gowther was simply the weird, creepy bookworm guy.  So, he's got some effeminate thing going on.  Not sure what that's all about.  Could just be his style.  But he also seems to have some personality and social issues.  Is he supposed to be autistic or something?  It reminds me of Sai.  Then there's the fact of him recovering from being run through and decapitated.  He's obviously not a normal human, if he is human at all.  This may or may not relate his personality and social interactions as well.  I imagine this is probably explained later on.


I understand how most of the Sins represent their sin, how Melodias is Wrath, Diane is Envy, Ban is Greed, King is Sloth, but how the hell are Gowther Lust and Merlin Gluttony.  Hopefully more is explained later on.  I also hope that Melodias' angry/demon face isn't supposed to be scary, because it looked hilarious to me.  Then when he got taken over, he just had a blank look on his face.  Obviously meant to show how he wasn't in control, but the first two times we see the mark, and his anger, not scary, haha.  Also find it hard to believe he's a demon.  He's not anything like that beast that destroyed the Fairy King's Forest.  Maybe he's a half-demon. :) Or maybe there are different kinds of demons, and not all are bloodthirsty mindless monsters.


I find Hendrickson's motivation somewhat questionable, but the more I thought about it, the idea of an elite warrior in a powerful army feeling restless and unable to truly test himself in a time of peace more realistic than one might think.  And plenty of the characters in this show are complicated people.  Guila is a good example.  They have motivations that make sense.


Gilthunder's plot was done really well.  I kept questioning why the hell would this guy believe so easily that the Sins would do what they did and it made a lot of sense that he was playing a role and was being watched that whole time.  I loved when Arthur and Merlin were brought in as well, added even more to the good Fantasy stuff in this show.  But I'll be here forever if I keep talking about every single thing I loved about this show. :D


I mentioned before how the show gets so much done in a short amount of time and executes it very well.  I never would have expected so many of the Sins found, their names cleared and the truth made known, the Kingdom retaken and the conspirators dealt with by the time this season was over.  Plenty of other shonens might drag that out far longer, maybe even making it the series end goal.  But, this is a double-edged sword.  Where can the show possibly go from here?  Judging from the first Signs of Holy War episode I've watched so far, it seems Dreyfus and maybe even Henrickson aren't really dead (that flying arm is reminding me of Liquid Snake), which I think is not the best decision and seemingly undoes that epic victory at the end of the first season.  Hopefully things turn out better than I'm thinking and my doubts will be cleared up.


I went through the Seven Deadly Sins Wikia for the anime episodes and looked at the anime and manga differences, which seem very minor.  So I don't think I need to read the manga from the beginning.  I kinda' don't want to wait for Season 2 (if it ever comes) and just want to get to the next part of the story, anyway.  Anyway, looks like there's no Seven Deadly Sins manga thread here, so I probably won't have too many people to talk to even if/when I get current.  Perhaps it's just not that popular with folks on this forum.  Still, I hope more anime is made.  I've always preferred anime over manga, if both exist for the same series.  Season 1 aired from 2014-2015, so it's been a while.  I'm not sure why they wasted 2016 making those 4 side story episodes either.  Maybe they were intended to keep the series fresh in everyone's mind and reassure people that season 2 is coming, and there wasn't enough material to adapt at that time.  I'm not sure.  Still, it's been a good while since season 1 aired at this point.


So really, my only complaints or criticisms I could find with this show are having Elaine look like a little girl, which is not cool, but definitely not a deal-breaker, un-killing the villains and wondering how the series can continue from this point, which will possibly and hopefully be remedied by future content.  My other complaint was the decision to kill off Princess Victoria so quickly when we barely knew her.  Her death would have meant more if she was more developed, even if we do feel bad for Elizabeth.  Of course, it pleasantly turned out to be the case that she was healed by Elizabeth's power. :D


Anyway, this is already one of my favorite shows now. I wish I would have watched it a long time ago! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for not responding to this thread sooner.  Been a bit preoccupied the past few weeks!


By princess Victoria did you mean Veronica?


I think so.  The petite girl with the short purple hair. :D


I love Hawk


he's such a cute little piggy




He is adorable, and still not explained!  Thought for sure Hawk was a girl, though.  They didn't use a pronoun until he 'died' in the final battle against Hendrickson.  Almost thought they were calling him hog, too.  Also love how Hawk's mom is just called Hawk's Mom. :D


The events right after season one ended are fucking awful and were only just recently finally resolved in the manga. Like, a month ago recently.


Hum, well that doesn't sound good.  Certainly not at all like the quality of story and pacing in the first season.  I'll have to see what it's like for myself, whenever I get around to reading the manga or whenever the next season comes out, whichever comes first.


I mean they're put on the back burner for awhile(50 - 80 chapters-ish) after they happen while other stuff happens, but their consequences are still there, like a cloud of gloom hampering the story. It did for me anyway.

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