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5 dollar pizza day

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Guest The Hound

I do this with some homies every Wednesday ughhh and Its from the best pizza place In the area. Pics incoming eventually

The crust is crunchy. ALL OF IT <3 <3 <3

Guest The Hound
  On 5/24/2017 at 10:21 PM, bigdick said:

"pics incoming eventually"


ur a catfish

im a DAMN sexy catfish :D
Guest The Hound
  On 5/24/2017 at 10:37 PM, Mini_Ghost said:

that's a picture of stilgar at domino's

leave stilgar alone :D
Guest The Hound
  On 5/24/2017 at 10:58 PM, bigdick said:

that's a lot of fkn pizza


if that's rly you, then you're def right about being a damn sexy catfish :thumbsupemojiwhere:

u kno what i look like u square ive always been a big sexy catfish



run some reeg with me ho unless ur set on climbing

Guest The Hound

oh you are plat in flex



lmao all u did was play flex like i did



shits so easy mode

  On 5/25/2017 at 1:46 AM, DJ Sona? said:

u kno what i look like u square ive always been a big sexy catfish



run some reeg with me ho unless ur set on climbing


lmao set on climbing


I haven't played league srsly in ages :( fear I'm gonna end this season unranked but there's just no time to be consistent



ya flex was just fun time with friends since they took my ranked teams away ;-;

Guest The Hound
  On 5/25/2017 at 12:13 PM, bigdick said:

lmao set on climbing


I haven't played league srsly in ages :( fear I'm gonna end this season unranked but there's just no time to be consistent



ya flex was just fun time with friends since they took my ranked teams away ;-;


What? you're plat in flex. You're not ending unranked, you'll get the full rewards for flex.

Flex is stayin bruhv

Guest The Hound


All mass produced pizza is honestly trash. It's junk and prepped for long hauls in trucks. fuck that noise.

I want my sauce, cheese, and dough prepared THAT day. Fuck that garbago.

Guest The Hound
  On 5/25/2017 at 7:21 PM, ELDEMONIO said:

Dominos has really good pizza and for cheap if you order it online. It's like $5.99 but the toppings are to die for. :o

also welcome back
  On 5/25/2017 at 7:29 PM, DJ Sona? said:

What? you're plat in flex. You're not ending unranked, you'll get the full rewards for flex.

Flex is stayin bruhv


nu i mean like

my actual solo queue rank

Rewards are nice to secure, but it's not the sameeee






Guest The Hound
  On 5/25/2017 at 9:28 PM, bigdick said:

nu i mean like

my actual solo queue rank

Rewards are nice to secure, but it's not the sameeee






fuck solo q all i get is feeders and as a sup main i havent had nearly as many in flex and everyone I play with is always gold to plat in solo

-_'  and I think the last skin i bought was dj sona. Lol. Wait no it was a naut skin

Guest The Hound

Srlsy my adc  fuks  up one I be phase n I am what to correct and boom turn around. I can't get that in solo i get told to stfu


That's prob cause of the solo elo you're in. Silver players are the worst at following instruction, advice, or any form of friendly constructive criticism. You're really supposed to mute chat and just carry with map pressure and warding. Like don't even waste your time on that shit, fuk em.


Sona is great in silver/low gold, but I'd recommend Karma seriously. You can clean up stupid ADC mistakes -scratch that- stupid team mistakes with op aoe shield, pair that with a locket later, and spoon feed mid and bot lane with her root that's off cd like every 6-10 seconds. Plus, her poke is seriously amazing early game, which is perfect for over aggressive idkhowtorightclicktho ad carries.


At level 3, you perma E+W+R->Q the squishy one in lane until they're low enough to kill.

Guest The Hound

God that's so hot when you talk dirty to me like that -_' -_' -_' -_' -_'  real shit tho teach me senpai. I can play karma i run her in my abam custom groups all lol the time. I havent sup with her in not lane tho i believe you ive built locket and chalice on her before she ok as fuuuuuuuu. I would run norms with you if u wanna do a practice game before u go ranked

Guest The Hound

I just recently picked up one of those super comp super sized mouse pads that covers the entire desk and a dope was mechanical keyboard no jumped and a Moba mouse ive been stompin

Guest The Hound
  On 5/26/2017 at 4:07 AM, poof said:

Wtf r u guys talking about

league of legends. Were both dirty filthy whores
  On 5/26/2017 at 2:50 AM, DJ Sona? said:

God that's so hot when you talk dirty to me like that -_' -_' -_' -_' -_'  real shit tho teach me senpai. I can play karma i run her in my abam custom groups all lol the time. I havent sup with her in not lane tho i believe you ive built locket and chalice on her before she ok as fuuuuuuuu. I would run norms with you if u wanna do a practice game before u go ranked


lmao I'm glad this thread went from pizza to nerding.


What's abam???


Practice norms def needed for me ~_~ I'll likely suck tho so you have to be ok with that.  :fap: I'm down to use them to show you how Karma support works if you want, 2 birds 1 stone. I can either just talk you through it while I ADC, or I can support you with her. I think going both ways is the best way to go about it though. She isn't much different from the way you'd play her mid lane, minus items and her focus after lane phase. (prioritize R/E over R/Q as support in team fights)


dunno when to catch you tho cause I been working every night 11-7  x__x :(:(:(


yo i need a new mouse pad

Mine is this tiny little thing I got as a vegas souvenir over a decade ago ...

My movement is so restricted. There's no space on my desk for stuff like that though, I have a tv on it and 2 huge monitors =_= NEED NEW DESK, THEN MOUSEPAD. jelly

Guest The Hound
  On 5/26/2017 at 10:56 PM, bigdick said:

lmao I'm glad this thread went from pizza to nerding.


What's abam???


Practice norms def needed for me ~_~ I'll likely suck tho so you have to be ok with that.  :fap: I'm down to use them to show you how Karma support works if you want, 2 birds 1 stone. I can either just talk you through it while I ADC, or I can support you with her. I think going both ways is the best way to go about it though. She isn't much different from the way you'd play her mid lane, minus items and her focus after lane phase. (prioritize R/E over R/Q as support in team fights)


dunno when to catch you tho cause I been working every night 11-7  x__x :( :( :(


yo i need a new mouse pad

Mine is this tiny little thing I got as a vegas souvenir over a decade ago ...

My movement is so restricted. There's no space on my desk for stuff like that though, I have a tv on it and 2 huge monitors =_= NEED NEW DESK, THEN MOUSEPAD. jelly





7.... am? or pm? and i see you on sometimes usually when i leave the client open hovering for games



and abam is all blind all mid on customs on howling abyss, im in a club with a bunch of retired diamonds and higher that just sit in there and play abams all day, there's a few competing clubs and all of the games are usually intense as fuck where we actually pick real comps and shit lol. ive gotten stupid good mechanically at like... literally everyone now thanks to it




here's my pad

  On 5/27/2017 at 12:01 AM, DJ Sona? said:




7.... am? or pm? and i see you on sometimes usually when i leave the client open hovering for games



and abam is all blind all mid on customs on howling abyss, im in a club with a bunch of retired diamonds and higher that just sit in there and play abams all day, there's a few competing clubs and all of the games are usually intense as fuck where we actually pick real comps and shit lol. ive gotten stupid good mechanically at like... literally everyone now thanks to it




here's my pad


I work 11 pm - 7 am

tbh it's the best work hours for a gamer, but it also steals game time on busy weeks :(


My friend just gifted me pulsefire cait broooo

I cannot wait to play league ;__; I'ma be one of those classic well dressed feeders :^)


Yeah, arams are good for mechanical practice.

Guest The Hound
  On 5/28/2017 at 12:23 AM, bigdick said:

I work 11 pm - 7 am

tbh it's the best work hours for a gamer, but it also steals game time on busy weeks :(


My friend just gifted me pulsefire cait broooo

I cannot wait to play league ;__; I'ma be one of those classic well dressed feeders :^)


Yeah, arams are good for mechanical practice.



u can always just shoot me a msg on discord, i can hop on if i see a msg. im in the asmb group w/u

i have notifications turned off for each group im in because when they get lit at times that shit blows my phone up

ill add u msg me when ur running sum norms





and yea well we blind pick our arams so they turn into these try hard janna comp teams all the time lmao :fap:



and jelly but i have dj sona so  ::spin::  ALL I EVER WANTED



i dont even play MF anymore

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