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About CountFrylock

  • Birthday 09/22/1989

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  1. Very few hang out here at all….but we got fantasy football going two years in a row I thought baseball would be easy. Guess not
  2. Guessing fantasy baseball isn’t as popular as fantasy football here
  3. We’re in this situation because politics became such a no no word that people actively started to ignore them… you can ignore politics but politics won’t ignore you Politics affect everything so the idea you can just turn off political news and avoid it completely is insane
  4. It’s official I hate week 18 fantasy football You get penalized if your still playing by then because so many great players are benched
  5. Next week is the championship
  6. Democrats are the squeaky clean party that has to play by the rules and expects the justice system to serve the country with honesty meanwhile the republicans break the rules and democrats just let them do it as a democrat myself it’s annoying to see the party commonly play the position of push over
  7. Democrats are acting like we just lost a football game and it’s time we accept this loss with good sportsmanship
  8. When his Stance is both sides are corrupt that’s the same as saying voting for anyone is a vote for a dictatorship so why bother voting at all?
  9. People keep saying trump can’t possibly get away with what he wants to do whose gonna tell him no? He’s surrounding himself with yes men and so far he’s been able to escape facing any consequences for his actions I doubt that’s gonna change anytime soon trump gets what he wants we’re seeing that as we speak
  10. Putin can make anyone he doesn’t like vanish off the face of the earth and that’s who trump wants to imitate I don’t think we should so easily ignore the fact he wants to imprison and possibly kill those who don’t like him Kill those he Doesn’t like If anyone thinks he can’t touch them think again.
  11. You say that but with trumps presence there’s an increased desire from his party and supporters to commit acts of terrorism against anyone who isn’t a straight white dude you think they’ll give celebrities a pass? I have my doubts
  12. Denzel honestly thinks both sides are the same and we’d be getting a tyrant no matter what
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