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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I don't think it was quite that bad but still.
  2. I passed so many people on the way home from work. It was almost 10:30pm hardly any cars on the road, I averaged around 40-50mph the whole way home. Roads were pretty sloppy but I felt alright going that fast when there was no one in front of me. So many people just driving wherever even though the lane lines were visible. A bit covered in snow, but visible if you actually, you know, LOOK AT THE ROAD. Passed one person that I think had their brights on, too. Dummy.
  3. Yes, there's snow on the ground. No, you don't have to go 20 mph on the highway when there's hardly any cars around. Yes, it's hard to see the lines for the lanes. No, you can't make your own lanes and if you pay a little more fucking attention you'd see that yes, the lines are still visible.
  4. You know one bitcoin costs like, $10,836, right? Why would I give you $12,327. If I had $15,067 I'd buy stuff for myself.
  5. U can be my stunt double.
  6. Ya. Battery might need replaced soon. I forget when I last replaced it. I thought it was fairly recently but maybe it's been longer than I thought.
  7. I need it tho
  8. I'm off today anyway and I need money so I have to go in tomorrow
  9. I'm off today not sure what I'll do if it doesn't work by tomorrow.
  10. Just gonna call aaa when I get home I went with kidney to his parents house we took his car instead. Maybe. The dashboard lights come on when I turn the key but it doesn't turn over at all just clicks. I drove it yesterday but it got really cold overnight.
  11. No thanks
  12. Oh noes
  13. Give me money Unless by grass u mean weed.
  14. Tomorrow the bathroom and living room. I wish housekeeping jobs paid more I legit love cleaning.
  15. I knew you were going to make this thread...
  16. Some dork
  17. Is there an owl in here?
  18. @Quackers
  19. Whole lot of good that is lol Unless he's saying that he can tell the admins of OKCupid don't care and he just wants senpai to notice him?
  20. ebb noun 1. the flowing back of the tide as the water returns to the sea (opposedto flood, flow ). 2. a flowing backward or away; decline or decay: the ebb of a once great nation. 3. a point of decline: His fortunes were at a low ebb. verb (used without object) 4. to flow back or away, as the water of a tide (opposed to flow ). 5. to decline or decay; fade away: His life is gradually ebbing.
  21. They have some unique stuff that I like. I like their ghost pepper chips, mini chocolate mousse cakes, and the candy cane green tea. I'd never go there for my primary grocery shopping I just like to go like once a month to see what new unique things they have.
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