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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Haha! I was bored out of my mind with Facebook last night, and have been for a while now. She suggested that I give this place a shot. So, I figured why not? A nice chance to speak with some different folks. It gets tiring talking about the same things with the same people all the time. Politics and pictures of people’s kids, fill the Facebook feed to the point of slinging the computer out the window if you have to see Trump’s name or a back to school picture, one more time. Ha!
  2. That sucks that your kitchen isn’t finished. I’m sure it’ll be kick ass once it’s done. We eat out once in a while, but we like our cooking better than the shit shacks around here.
  3. Everyone else likes more mayo in the slaw than I do. I usually have to add more to it. This was a picture from the first time I made this sandwich. It has progressed since then. I just didn’t have a more recent picture. I’m looking to start making mayo and ketchup. We already make our own bbq sauce, honey mustard (which is more complex than just honey and mustard) and ranch dressing. Typically, now, I use less mayo than that, and a lot less bbq sauce. Usually just a drizzle. We normally don’t eat too unhealthy. Sometimes we splurge.
  4. Haha! Before the door slams shut and it’s too late, huh?
  5. I am well, thanks. My wife said you are cool. I know that weird, but since I don’t know anyone here, I’m kinda just asking her who everyone is that’s commenting.
  6. Yeah, I’m not big on labels. No clue what an IBer is. The wife says you’re an ok dude, so I’ll take her word. Thanks for the welcome.
  7. That wasn’t creepy at all. 🤥
  8. Indeed. When you find something you’re good at, don’t quit it. Haha! Cooking is a passion. Eating is a pleasure. The wife and I never eat out. We both enjoy cooking and enjoying our own food. We don’t cook terribly unhealthy. Most everything is made from scratch, and we rarely fry anything. We grill and smoke most of our meats. We had a big garden this summer, which supplied us with all the produce we could handle.
  9. I just came from a place where everybody knows my name. It’s refreshing to be just a mysterious soul here.
  10. Taking a break from the Switch?
  11. Thank you, and hello, TrigunBebop. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. How are you?
  12. Jowl bacon sandwich with coleslaw and bbq sauce.
  13. The same as hearing anyone saying it. Racial slurs are what people use when they have no validation for their arguments to begin with. It’s a disgusting word, no matter who spews it.
  14. Got a topic in Food and Drinks, as well. Doesn’t look like a lot happens over there. Cooking is a major hobby. Eating is a bigger hobby.
  15. From some of the things I’ve heard, there are definitely some I don’t care to know.
  16. I just asked her and she said no, other than commenting about stupid shite she’s posted. I’ve been asking my other half about some of you folks, as I know zero people here. Other than a few that I’ve heard her mention over the past few years, but I still don’t know them. Just their names.
  17. @SwimModSponges, I read the first few chapters, and it’s very interesting. Like I said last night, I’ve got two sick kids, but I will try to read more as the day progresses. So far, I dig where it’s going. I like how there are an infinite number of parallel universes. That’s a cool concept. The new born McDonald’s fries wrapped in barbed wire.... did not ever see that coming. Ever. I will give more feedback as I progress through it. So far, nothing to critique. Very cool concept so far.
  18. Well, there is a married female on this site, and she did mention this site to me. I was on MySpace years ago, then when they disabled chat, I left and remained off of social media altogether for nearly ten years. Then I went to Facebook, and it is nearly the most boring site ever. Just the same people talking about the same crap, everyday. Mostly political. Which is partly my own fault. Sometimes I just want to be free to say whatever I want to say, and I can’t always have that freedom on Facebook, as I have to be an “adult” at all times on Facebook. Reasons. Just reasons.
  19. Haha! After typing that, my scientifically challenged mine started to ponder; could this really work? Haha! It’d be awesome if it did.
  20. I shall inform her in the morning, as her old behind has already gone to sleep.
  21. I just told the wife who you think I am and she said you should be ashamed of yourself. Haha!
  22. I can say with all honesty, no. I have never spoken to her. I’ve never spoken to anyone here, except the people who have responded to this post. I thought my wife and I had mutual friends from Facebook that were on this site, but I was mistaken. She told me after I joined, when I was asking her where so and so were at. They were on the adult swim site. I wasn’t on that one. I just came here cause she said to try it, because I hate Facebook. I have to be politically correct on there and have to watch what I say. And I know there are rules here and I will abide by them. Sometimes you just want to say “fuck” and I can’t on Facebook.
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