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  1. I'm not sure if follower-count is even that major but I'd at least like to have 500 based on the accounts of people that ik who are pretty active on instagram
  2. I guess I just want to know the quickest way to attain a decent following(like 500+? Idk) that doesn't involve me getting fake followers. I am thinking about getting into photography but I don't have a camera rn. I do have an iPhone XS so I guess I could just start posting pics of scenery and such in NYC. I just wouldn't know how to implement photos of myself as well
  3. I'm in college - first year. First semester I didn't really take time out of my day to make friends/join any groups. Just made my first instagram since it's apparently what everyone uses(I go to college in NYC btw). How can I get enough followers in a couple of weeks to become more presentable/look like less of a loner when people ask for my instagram? Apparently I'm a 8-10 to most girls(downloaded the "Monkey" app and spent a couple of days just working on talking to girls, which was easy af might I add). I'm not asocial. I've just never liked putting myself out there, because I grew up very sheltered & my parents' asocial tendencies rubbed off on me(way too much - had friends in elementary, but as soon as high school came around I became a shut-in), but I know I can "DO" it & I want to, hence me making this thread. I'm going to counseling & I'm taking a social anxiety class, which has proven results. ATM I'd like to join groups/make friends, & go to parties, etc. I just don't want to be seen as a loner-no-lifer when I give out my instagram after trying to make friends & have like 12 followers. I get that I can use the "I just made a new account" line but I don't want to. I'd rather make some progression right now and not have to worry about it later. If any of you can understand that, any advice would be much appreciatedu
  4. Looks like I'll be taking a look at both of those animes
  5. Is Goblin Slayer really that good? I saw the cover art and watched like 2 seconds and figured it was just another dumb mmo anime, but I loveee Berserk. Think I'll take another gander at it
  6. Goblin slayer??? Chu mean Slime reincarnation kun is obviously the best anime this season no debate
  7. Why would ppl be losing their minds? I for one found the story to be kinda fucking weird and didn't take the time out of my day to read up on all of the summaries for what occurred in the final set of episodes; therefore, I never really got what happened
  8. I have AT&T(father's business plan). My original phone was a 16gb iPhone 6, but it fell in the toilet over the summer(August maybe) so I sent it in for a replacement. They approved me for an iPhone 6s 64gb since they didn't have my iPhone 6 16gb version in-stock. Fast-forward to today I find out that I'm eligible for an upgrade after checking out my at&t account. Never really thought about my contract ending since I've already had to replace my iphone 6 twice for water damage. SO now I have an iPhone 6s(three months new). Literally had to replace the batter 2 days ago since it became "depleted". Got that replaced and it's working fine now. The actual phone itself could be a bit faster imo, but to each their own(it'll lag if I have like a music app running and then 2 other apps in the background maybe). So my upgraded phone of choice is the iPhone XS gold 256gb - since the XR has a shit display and the XS max is way too big for me. Android is obsolete for me, even though I enjoy rooting and having a wider range of freedom with apks and such, but I'm in my first year of college & a gold iPhone XS is a cool little flex. For my business plan it'd be $38.34 monthly, the plan I'm most likely choosing, with at&t next - 30 installments upgrade after 2 years or $47.92 monthly for 24 months - upgrade after 1 year. Question is what do I do with my old iPhone 6s(space grey 64gb): Trading in definitely doesn't seem like a viable option since I'd only receive credit for $100 to my account(to billing or whatever they credit the amount to). So what options do I have to get the most for it being a fully paid off phone?
  9. So I've been using Amazon student trials for about 3-4 years now. I had a full-on membership for a year, then I cancelled it. I then went on to using edu services/edu emails offered on miscellaneous guides to create new accounts and link the new .edus with them. My address/name has stayed the same on half of the accounts(suffix changes). I was just wondering how easy it would be for me to get banned now? I have made 4 amazon accounts with different .edus, including my original amazon account that I used an edu email on after I cancelled my membership. I usually just make regular ass purchases(from beef jerky to a new pair of shoes that went on sale) & the occasional refund of stuff that's actually faulty. I don't try to abuse refunds/free returns. Just recently cancelled my 4th trial & am now contemplating making my 5th account. What are my chances of being banned/prohibited from using Amazon in the future if I keep using their services like this?
  10. You're still able to add/add scores of anime to your list. It's not like the world is over
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