I'm in college - first year. First semester I didn't really take time out of my day to make friends/join any groups. Just made my first instagram since it's apparently what everyone uses(I go to college in NYC btw). How can I get enough followers in a couple of weeks to become more presentable/look like less of a loner when people ask for my instagram?
Apparently I'm a 8-10 to most girls(downloaded the "Monkey" app and spent a couple of days just working on talking to girls, which was easy af might I add). I'm not asocial. I've just never liked putting myself out there, because I grew up very sheltered & my parents' asocial tendencies rubbed off on me(way too much - had friends in elementary, but as soon as high school came around I became a shut-in), but I know I can "DO" it & I want to, hence me making this thread. I'm going to counseling & I'm taking a social anxiety class, which has proven results. ATM I'd like to join groups/make friends, & go to parties, etc. I just don't want to be seen as a loner-no-lifer when I give out my instagram after trying to make friends & have like 12 followers. I get that I can use the "I just made a new account" line but I don't want to. I'd rather make some progression right now and not have to worry about it later. If any of you can understand that, any advice would be much appreciatedu