2 stock pots
2 celery cloves sliced medium rhin
2 bags of carrots sliced medium thin
5 onions chopped roughly medium/large
3 pieces of fresh garlic clove smashed and sliced, peeled
4 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 gallon purified water
1 cup canola oil
Simmer until all ingredients are soft in texture
1 whole young chicken
Remove giblets and clean
2 quarts chicken broth
1 quart water
Boil, turning, peririodically, cooked thoroughly.
Strain chicken broth and water into same pot as veggies
Remove whole chicken.
Set veggies on medium 1 hour
Let chicken cool. Clean and debone chicken. Dice in large bits. Add to veggies... finish hour simmer.
Let sit 2 hours to cool. Do what you like, but you gotta try it ice cold.