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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. What does Carl think he's gonna do...
  2. Well, Gregory isn't dead, but at least the coward has been put in his place... mostly.
  3. Carl has the right sentiment here, but he's not playing it smart. He's gonna get himself or someone else killed.
  4. Well, of course. The Savior Guys who got killed were the ones who dealt with Hilltop, so...
  5. I've got a brand new pair of roller skates, you've got a brand new key...
  6. On second thought it was probably the Saviors... That metal finger is their style.
  7. And now it looks like he set a trap for Maggie and Sasha...
  8. I really don't like this Gregory guy. He's way too shrewd.
  9. It's good to know Maggie didn't lose the baby...
  10. It's really sad to see Rick so defeated. I wonder what will change his mind...
  11. Wait, nevermind...
  12. It was Rosita who took the guns...
  13. Negan keeps saying he's honest and a stand up guy. What a load of shit.
  14. Looks like Michonne is losing her nerve...
  15. What's with the house call...
  16. The Saviors will fall apart if Negan dies. When Negan dies. They won't self organize after he's gone, lots of dudes will be looking for that empty seat, it'll create a power vacuum and they'll be vulnerable.
  17. Dwight is having second thoughts for sure... He's gonna go rogue.
  18. ... How are there any cigarettes left anywhere in the whole world? Seems like they would be gone within the first few months.
  19. I guess Dwight decided to set that guy free... Must have gotten through to him. Sort of. It's a big world and there were definitely other places to go. They both could have just ran...
  20. I cannot wait for this Negan motherfucker to die
  21. Fatso left the door open... Daryl is gonna get caught though... That would be too easy.
  22. It would be grand if Daryl killed Negan and went down in a blaze of glory... He could totally do it. If he just plays along long enough, he'll get a chance...
  23. A look at the Saviors place... seems like a good spot to use those RPGs Abraham found.
  24. 'kay... so Carol is gonna live in that house now? and Ezekiel will have a place he can go to be himself.
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