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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. so THATS what it is i was seriously confused my topic should actually say "jigjoggery" but i couldn't find the edit option so i just assumed it did not exist.
  2. if you ignore him long enough he will get bored and move on to the next target
  3. okay. i'm okay with that being the issue cuz its new n such so i'm sure there are plenty of kinks.
  4. i'm having serious loading issues. it takes nearly one minute for pages to load, other times i just get a timeout error. now i have shit-tastic ubuntu and for whatever reason unknown to me because i don't know anything about it, some things seriously just don't function correctly, if at all. so is this a my computer issue or nay? i've also been randomly logged out once >.>
  5. yes, please do so at your leisure
  6. any which way it's worth a shot. you know he can't help but follow you around, the compulsion is just too strong.
  7. don't worry, i don't. i've never personally had sprint but since i used to sell multiple cell phone services at once, it was pretty apparent from the get go which service was the absolute worst. a regional rep once said to me, "our service might not be the best but if you want to make money, you need to make people believe its the best because no one wants to accept that you get what you pay for."
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