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Everything posted by oolpmahC-iarumaS

  1. But my boy Arthur doesnt trust kitties and hes never lied before.
  2. It took a lot, an entire email
  3. Stay gold, pony boy, stay gold.
  4. I have very quickly had an issue of faith, as a strong independent woman I reserve the right to be fickle.
  5. Make me Wolverine and Cau Deadpool. A forbidden love
  6. I guess with Us. Because Arthur isn't great with cats
  7. Are we still doing the whole yawai meme? Or have we evolved as a family?
  8. Well then I missed out on a chance at a solid I'm Batman joke.
  9. Most the time I see people talk about 2 it is their least favorite. I think it was the most fun game play wise.
  10. Actually... this isn't how I wanted you to find out
  11. Sadly I only talk to MirokusTwinSister and she wasn't very active
  12. Thank you! Crazy seeing familiar faces again
  13. Gordon can be lord but Arthur can be savior
  14. Oh man asking the hard questions. I'm pretty sure to eat pumpkin pie and admire butts
  15. I'm like beetle juice but 2/3 easier
  16. Who is gordon? I'm willing to accept him new lord and savior though
  17. I'd assume it was mostly ibers
  18. Still hang out but you weren't invited, then you get an email while at work and like dang guess I was invited then you wanna kiss cau.
  19. I'll choke you any time cau bb
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