I wound up having to go the the 8pm showing since it was the earliest show that wasn't sold out. When I picked out my tickets at the machine, the seating map showed three (3!) seats unsold after I bought mine. I can't help but laugh my ass off at the people who said Black Panther's box office numbers were going to suffer.
The movie was great. The heart-shaped herb scenes were nothing short of gorgeous. The scene where Bilbo got barked at was hilarious and the whole theater was laughing like hell. I mean, come on dude. You were told to be quiet by a member of the local nobility in his own chambers, yet you keep talking. Would you keep interrupting Queen Elizabeth? Or the President?
Erik Killmonger is one of my favorite Marvel villains now. Dude had every right to be pissed and honestly, had a damn good point. Most tragic Marvel villain since Zemo.