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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. I want you to know if I looked at your picture I did it in a pure way, that's all, you were being personal, so I returned it with something personal
  2. I don't know the difference?!?!?!?!
  3. you know its a vow to god when you take a woman into marriage? I will have to forgive her no matter what because I wont dwell on it forever. she messed with love its impossible to repair but somewhere in the life of us both the reality is some kind of abandonment of a vow to god... and we will need to let go of our past promises. its just about life I don't really care about it in a conscious way, but sub consciously we will need to let go of our pasts. we need to forgive each other and it too spiritually binding to ignore. I will do my best to accept her choices, and try to respect her, I was her second husband, shes never been faithful, im pretty sure shes a cheater and shes definitely a liar.... just cant let that little piece of forgiveness go when she leaves it like an open sore, and doesn't forgive and forget, she thinks its a competition to hurt me
  4. I love her in a way that's pure, no matter what shes done, why she disrespected me, or what her choices were. if there is a purity in her heart for me just one purity, a tiny sign that she is faithful, as I named our daughter, if she can own up to a responsibility and say she tried to love me only in one small way, one pure love, all is forgiven. I wasn't a good boy while she was gone either. lolol
  5. I thought the weird cat was you calling me a weirdo. wasn't it? the weird cat was supposed to be an insult right? correct me if im wrong. I don't understand the weird cat while I was trying to get along
  6. or some kind of underwear, I don't remember if it was a thong they were blue
  7. well im sorry that I wasn't included. no im joking you are very beautiful, not sure why you would give nude pics of yourself? I saw you in a thong once
  8. does a fedora go over your years or do you have to have a tight one or a bigger head? it sits all the way down till your head touches the top, and that means it touches your ears and I don't think it looks normal.?? I guess youre supposed to wear on that's tight andsits up on your head farther???
  9. I think all of your insults were hilarious. Im so unfortunate to be the asshole that you get to tear up every time I think your trolling. its like a fucking paranoia and it manifest in the goddamn key board some how. please understand I am only a person and I don't have the power or option to make the world any different than what it is. I just try to be truthful and honest and it gets me arguing with you, an accidental and incidental serendipity that just makes it worse. if you wont accept that im sorry, im sure youll understand it was bad luck
  10. pooh if you read this, i am very very sorry i insulted you. i was under the impression that you think i am something i am not or that my beliefs are wrong and that you were going to belittle and be mean to me. look it might be too harsh and im sorry i don't want you as an enemy. i felt as though you were trying to tell me im wrong, and i don't even know why i would take that personally. sounds pretty stupid to me. so that's the thing i was being stupid. your point of view may not have been ignorance of what i was saying and posting about,. your point of view may have been completely harmless, but some way some how, i thought it was fuel for an argument. i just cant depend that people will make their point clear for my baffled situation, and the possibility you were just be truthful exists whether i believe or not. im am sorry. you made a valid point and i thought it was an insult in disguise stupid stupid stupid
  11. i am @1pooh4u i am genuinely sorry. i really believed you were just trying to contradict me
  12. calm yourself. you came here to attack me, you said you were civil as a liar that just wants attention, your very first post wasn't even directed at me and was completely contradictory to the thread. you want to be an annoying asshole and then blame me when i tell what the fuck is real around here. bite me
  13. you came here to badger me and i get to be the one who fucks off? does that make you the winner in your brain or something, like someone cares whats inside you skull? anyway im sorry, but the truth is i looked that up years ago. you have want to pay them back and actually try ro pay them back. you have to work with the to prove you cannot work for a forseeable 5-7 years by a gov't psychiatrist, you have to qualify financially and theres a three year monitoring period of which you have to prove you cannot earn above poverty level. i was almost disqualified it was a very rock road. then the possibility that you can pay them back becomes like null and they decide whether or notr to forgive your loans, its not like some employed or not disabled. i have bipolar schizo-affective disorder, psychosis and clinical depression, bad anxiety, and a lot of sygmptoms everyday that actually keeps me from being able to work, financially because of SSD and because of the illness, and the inability to earn above poverty level. it was a close call you could have just asked buttmunch
  14. keep a dirty cunt piss off like i told you ten posts ago. show off dork
  15. and i benefit from NOT having assholes pretending they like me,. i like real people not show little sissy bitches like you
  16. you are just posting shit that annoys me you are not even bieing real. you tell me to eat shit while your standing in it fuck hole
  17. i looked it up as soon as i found out in like 2015, insolvency and ability to work is TPD shit its not a normal discharge
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