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Everything posted by TICcore

  1. Your statement seemed pretty fucking creeptastic all on it's own.
  2. You're the cat.
  3. Wrong again, skid mark.
  4. Yes... you are.
  5. I know you would miss me most of all. You would cry... probably.
  6. I bet you would miss me like that if I left.
  7. I have a PhD in women's studies.
  8. True.
  9. Call me Dr. Professor TIC.
  10. Too much power might overload your system.
  11. Oh, you could tell me why The ocean's near the shore. You could think of things you've never thunk before. And then You'd sit, and think some more. You would not be just a nuffin' with your head all full of stuffin' Your heart all full of pain. You would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry, If you only had a brain.
  12. "Oh no! a random man buys me things and expects nothing in return! What a victim I am! Men are such creeps." I would love it if girls randomly bought me stuff.
  13. Me: I'm going to reach deep inside your fridge and take your last pudding cup! You: No, TIC-dono, yamate! Not my pudding cup! Me: You say no... but I know you want me to sloooowly peel back that lid and wipe my finger on any wet, delicious pudding that may be stuck on it. You: No! Your spoon is too big! The plastic container is going to break! Me: Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! I am deep inside and almost done! You: You monster! I was saving that pudding cup! Now I can never get married! Me: It's ok, I'll take responsibility... I will buy you another cup!
  14. What are you? A Na'Vi now?
  15. You don't know what a hit is.
  16. I'll give you an open handed slap on the ass.
  17. I wish you would shut up and make me a sandwich.
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