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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. I don't care. Not in the least bit.
  2. In other words, the supposed "witnesses" kept changing their stories, moving the goal posts, spitting out self contradictory statements and saying things that were directly contrary to the evidence? That's just the sort of thing a criminal investigation is supposed to root out long before anybody gets criminally charged. That goes for everyone and everything in this country. It protects you as well as the former congressman.
  3. So, why not a plain, ordinary criminal court that is not at all connected with the Committee?
  4. When the Ethics Committee can't charge him, a regular old criminal court can. Let's wait for the criminal trial.
  5. So that only means he could be charged in a regular criminal court.
  6. How does his resignation stop anything?
  7. It's funny how he always gets the blame while anybody who talks about reopening them gets blocked by Democrats.
  8. An investigation revealed nothing but a few words that were disconnected from any supporting evidence.
  9. We used to have those fully staffed hospitals. What happened to them?
  10. And where's any of their evidence?
  11. You can accuse him of being involved in the Kennedy assassination, while you're at it. Do you know how preposterous that is?
  12. There wasn't any way to fix it. I had to work around and find the same video on a different web sight. And, the link worked after that. Problem solved.
  13. When the links worked or the pictures came out as intended.
  14. Sure... You're still trying to convince me that the system can't glitch out from time to time. Let's try a different link... With... the... same... procedure... https://www.facebook.com/reel/1221805452408448?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v It should be about a botched construction project.
  15. Then, what explains all the successful posts?
  16. Inability? What explains the number of successful posts, then?
  17. So, when copy/paste/post works dozens of times and later you run into a situation where the very same procedure does not work, how are you to understand why? How many times have I already succeeded in posting links and pics here without any difficulties whatsoever? Then, on those few times when it's not successful, you're that quick to blame it on me? I'm not doing anything differently. Whether the prescribed procedure gives the desired result is outside of my control.
  18. Okay, so I guess you're admitting that machines can glitch out from time to time.
  19. Well, do you live in a magical world where no machine has ever glitched out?
  20. How could you even know? You're trying to convince me that machines never glitch out.
  21. Okay. I'm just going to sit here and wait until eventually, you'll post about what a big rip off Geek Squad is, after your computer starts blue screening. It happens to everyone sooner or later and it's because there's no such thing as a one hundred percent reliable machine.
  22. Early dinner. Four egg rolls. .
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