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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. Beet red, same shape.
  2. That looks like the backpack I use for shopping.
  3. Well... when I'm a bus passenger, it doesn't matter whether somebody hit the bus or the bus hit somebody. I will be paid either way and be responsible for nothing. All the liabilities have to hammered out between the bus company and whoever was driving the other vehicle.
  4. Not all... just those who really have no desire to drive. A crash is always somebody else's liability.
  5. It's not money that sits in an account somewhere. It's money that has to be paid to me in perpetuity. If anybody wants to get rid of that expense, they would need to have me whacked. They're hemorrhaging cash and can't do anything about it.
  6. The original is in English. I used Ai to change the text to something the Swedish Chef would say, just for this board.
  7. I call it that because it's the long sought after document that guarantees my income without any further action on my part. The money's there, even if by some astounding miracle, I live to see the year 2258.
  8. Alleged? I'm not the one answering anybody's bells right now. If I wanna sit here all day, typing, that's what I'll do. If I wanna spend part of the afternoon at an anime store or buying shrimp platters for Thanksgiving, that's what I'll do. There's no clock to punch. I have been bucking for this since Hank Aaron beat Babe Ruth's record.
  9. Why, indeed... .
  10. I've been twisting myself into pretzels for years, trying to see things from your perspective, but I just can't fit my head that far up my ass.
  11. It's more fun that way.
  12. It's an historical document for me. I used Ai to translate it to something the Swedish Chef would say.
  13. No, silly... I'm here because those who are well have no need of a physician.
  14. It's better than a diploma. It's an emancipation paper.
  15. Which one?
  16. Ya wanna more, hunh?
  17. Now, if I were to post her original police mugshot here, there would have been issues with "offensiveness" or whichever. But this is the Ai enhanced version that shows how a person could look, just after changing a few habits.
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