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Everything posted by KatEyes

  1. I like to chew on wires, sorry. I aim to be the cat in Christmas Vacation.
  2. What was your name on the original boards? Someone had "Last" in their name and I can't remember the rest of it. I used to talk to him a bit. Just wondering if that's you.
  3. I be just a kitty.
  4. I am very much wanting to report a certain mod for something silly... do i get punished if i report him? That would be my one and only question for now. lmao I think you know who I'm talking about. I lied, there is another question, where is the list of what is allowed on the boards? I don't see a link to a TOS offhand.
  5. Mixboy?
  6. Narakuuuu!! Hi
  7. Breaks are always good. Especially from those boards. I'm looking forward to this fresh new thing. :D :D :D :D
  8. Meow! Missed some of you don't remember a lot of you, but I hope to get to know you all again. Please don't take offense if I forget anyone, it's been a long time since I've posted on the boards and I have an extremely bad recall process.
  9. Who might you be, sir?
  10. I have a tip for you.. *brandishes my blade*
  11. Kitty cat here... I have my pairing. My darling Neurocide. I LOVE YOU, YA BIG SILLY MAN. <3 <3 <3
  12. *Sweats in Rogue's cereal, LOUDLY*
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