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Order of the Lobster
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Everything posted by Vercaties

  1. Googled to see if there was any other ASMB copy cats out there, then came across a link on Reddit to this place. When I got to the front door they wanted 100 Meatwad bucks so there was that as well.
  2. Bed Bug Guys smell up every room they enter. I would know this because they are always coming into my emergency department. You should probably wash.
  3. Thanks for the welcome. It's a jungle out there, I'll do my best to re-kindle old flames and forge new frenemies. :-D
  4. Found out about this place after the old ASMB was shut down. Was a shame I know a lot of people have been members for a very long time. So this seems like the next best thing since r/adultswim is caca. Looking forward to all the fun to be had.
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