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Everything posted by WereOceans

  1. Sam: I can't handle an or any relationship or relationships.... Cause in the end, I suck at them apparently....
  2. Sam: Well...... You can do what I'm doing, I'm not being in relationship, but seeing other peeps in the same time "At the same time"..... "Like saying your off the market but technically not in an relationship either..... So yeah.... I got burn an bunt by too many relationships, I can't handle them anymore.... But still off the market.... I don't like to be single.... So yeah....
  3. Sam: Thanks
  4. Sam: I just do "Sam:" thing cause I got use to peeps using my accounts....
  5. Sam: Thanks??..
  6. Sam: Thanks
  7. Sam: Thanks
  8. Sam: Thanks~~
  9. Sam: Green Eggs an Hams
  10. Sam: Thanks~~
  11. Sam: No I am am not you
  12. Sam: Thanks~~
  13. Sam: Thanks~~
  14. Sam: It's me....
  15. Sam: Thanks~~
  16. Sam: Yeeeeeee Boi~~
  17. Sam: Thanks
  18. Sam: I did..
  19. Sam: Thanks Cau
  20. Sam: Yep, you guessed it, I turn 23 today on September 23~~
  21. Sam: Hope everything goes well for you in the end....
  22. Sam: I know that an plus I am gamer too.... Geez.... Plus Artist.... We can be both.... So why not right....
  23. Sam: Then I got rejected by my friend / lover?? or more.... So friend or best friend....
  24. Sam: It's been three years an his now ex BF an my ex best friend went out the window not me.... I mean he did threaten me an my life but old new, Who cares, I don't .... So meh I mean we are nobodies to each other no nothing we are nothing.... All two of them but my last ex walked out on me....
  25. Sam: Oh really it's been like what, Almost half year or full I guess????.... Since I came on here.... So yeah....
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