I feel like this year has been a mixed bag for me.
We got talking animal films coming out of the wazoo, some generating speculation, others being accused of being unoriginal.
Secret Life of Pets was the first decent film from it's company not based on a Gru or his Minions, but it's Toy Story like premise and Oliver and Company plot tend to have that been "been there, made a film about that" feel to it. It may not win points for originality, but it gets them for heart.
Sausage Party was the real standout this year. The first R Rated CGI film offers us a movie idea that may seem ridiculous upon first look (A big name celebrity like Seth Rogen playing a sausage), but it had a deep and intelligent execution and plot. It was, in short, a dumb movie with a smart approach.
Zootopia had a lot going for it for me. It took a common theme for animated family films (Talking animals) and gave it a cool buddy cop/detective premise and some mature topics that adults could enjoy when watching it with the kids.
There are some other decent ones in their as well (Finding Dory, Kung Fu Panda 3) along with stinkers (Norm of the North, Ice Age Collision Course).
Again this year was a mixed bag for me. A lot of fury bait combined with some shitty stinkers, but some intelligent and heartwarming films as well.