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Fringe (5/22)



  1. He said "Oh Hai".
  2. I love it when you beep me 😐
  3. Oh hay! You're one of them!
  4. I miss too many to name and too many for this brain to remember. But I miss you. 😐
  5. Gosh I was like 15 when I joined. I R old nap.
  6. I was originally a Pod 6er but then IB gave me more LOLz so I changed sides.
  7. jkr

    I just thought...

    Well I hope somewhere in that complicated answer there is something along the lines of you've been doing good. (:
  8. jkr

    I just thought...

    How are you?
  9. jkr

    I just thought...

  10. jkr

    I just thought...

    Cauuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! Hai Cauuuu.
  11. jkr

    I just thought...

    I love it when you beep me
  12. jkr

    I just thought...

    Gosh haven't seen your s/n in awhile but herro (:
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