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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. westpark king of asmb
  2. after a really monotonous first semester, i needed this tbh.
  3. i still hate that i never tried to learn the saxophone or even trumpet when i was obsessed over them when i was 14.
  4. the catacombs in ds made me ragequit 3 or 4 times cause i really didn't feel like getting btfo on the long ass way to pinwheel time after time, having to start all the way before you even get to the main caves/ w/e theyre called by the time i got to pinwheel my hands were sweating and shaking so badly just knowimg i was on the verge of dying and having to start all over, i have no clue how i even beat pinwheel first try. every hit i dodged was some mahou homura tier shit.
  5. id have to nair my legs cause of the small hairs i have.
  6. whyyyyy
  7. quebecelegy


    cop or not?
  8. trial started the 1st i don't think he'll get more than 5 years. he says she got jumped, but that evidence is too much. fucked up dude, he had something promising with the punk-rap type thing he has, but i dont think the crimes/charges are gonna be ignored and shooed away like they are for a lot of artists, thankfully.
  9. how hard is to just make beats? i guess a sampler and synths can get expensive but maybe itd be a better investment than buying beats tbh. ive been wanting to learn mixing/producing but i skipped out on a class from a music school school near me cause i really would rather learn on my own
  10. i only knew about the assault charge, when did he beat up a pregnant girl? was it recent? iirc he got out of jail in febuary
  11. ay is worse than chance's adlibs
  12. if ur being serious, remind me in two months and i will, that sounds pretty cool.
  13. if i ever learned to play id probably be too busy playing weeb music
  14. did you perform? my high school didnt even have a band.
  15. im like that too, but i dont really have a choice i guess
  16. i think you could still play though. melody and rythym i think its called or w/e, you could loop one and play the other and vice versa. even though it'd be harder to play classical music, 50% of that is boring anyway.
  17. yeah. i have zero credit.
  18. i dont really plan on becoming a virtuoso or anything like that, im hoping i can atleast be somewhat competent and be able to compose basic things on it by the end of summer.
  19. i went to the bank yesterday and was given an appointment cause i qualified for a credit card. i just lolnoped because i dont even have enough for the deposit you have to make for them.
  20. ive always wanted to play, but never really had the chance as a kid. ive been self-teaching myself guitar and drums, but a piano seems harder, and im really too fucking lazy to be self-teaching 3 instruments at once.
  21. its an actual month long class with students instead of just one on one instruction. i think ill learn slower like this, but i dont really feel like being taught one on one
  22. i dont and im barely ready for tonight let alone another day
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