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Everything posted by 2q840wutegasdlbnz,mcbawegt

  1. Who is he I have seed him before
  2. What are you giving yourself big ups and/or props for today? today I give myself big ups for the following. - walked my dog (BIG UPS) - cleaned a dish (BIG UPS) - text a girl who, by the way, is cute and nice (BIF UPS) - went to work (PROPS) - water my orchid (PROPS) Thats all I did today to give myself big ups for so far.
  3. Been looking at my roof lately and I thought to myself today on my daily look, dare I say it, did this roof look different today? Or was it yesterday as well? And when I went to investigate the topic I couldn’t believe it, WOW - guys, it’s full of lousy crud. FUCKING CRUD. Called a repair man and he said they don’t do that UH OK, dare I say it, MAYBE YOU SHOULD. it’s unreal. This crud is raining from the sky! FUCK. And it will never go away. Does anyone know how to do my roof correct to do against these? Or it’s hopless????
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