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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. my cousins say they found Blue Exorcist's pacing slow when it aired on toonami before and i didn't agree. i generally enjoy slower burns and taking time to develop characters. but this episode feels a little superfluous, maybe??
  2. whoops, promo's a little late....
  3. oh right. they're here to save Lemon
  4. how'd you know? HE'S IN LANG DORM why else would he be here?
  5. so, i guess we can trust this Rain guy?
  6. will his brother be able to do magic like that?
  7. a bug in the system ARACHNABACUS?
  8. oh? a different enemy appears in the middle of our fight?
  9. well, yeah. the hair was kind of a giveaway
  10. LOL. I guess I'm transferring to Adler...
  11. oh...i guess they did... well, shit....
  12. boo. they better beat fourth fang as quickly as they beat fang 5
  13. lol. okyey tank you vyewy vyewy mwuch....
  14. LOL, they're showing the Indiana Jones review again since it didn't air properly last week.
  15. a new power? but also don't do the Naruto thing. in order to be fang 5, she must be stronger than the fangs that came before her. warding cross on the forehead. this series is pulling things out of its ass, but i get that that's the point...
  16. so, unlike Sanji, Dot is willing to fight a woman
  17. lol Dot is into this. i can sympathize... his siter seems cool. she's Matoi Ryuko's va, clearly
  18. Okay,i guess this is the thread for tonight? were we all just waiting for someone else to make it? lol
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